Saturday, December 22, 2007
I love Christmas, everything about it EXCEPT decorating the tree!! This year was especially fun because I had my 2 very special helpers!!!
My family has this little tradition where we get a new ornament each year that sort of has to do with what we are into that mom has done it for all of us our whole lives! Its really cool , and we all really enjoy it! Well of course we have to do the same with our kids, so this year I got them Mickey and Minnie ornaments,,,of course!! They actually found them in JCPenney and told me about it, so they picked them out themselves! Here are a few pics of the decorating experience and the twins putting there ornaments on the tree!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
O my Brodie Boy! This child is just un beleivable! He is alway so happy and always laughing! AND he is ALWAYS in to everything! You can not meet him and not just instantly love him! He gives the best hugs ever and great kisses too!
He wraps his arms around your neck and just squeezes! Make me feel so loved and needed! He is starting to talk more and says whatever he wants to and only when he wants to! He loves to point his finger at you and tell you something....sometimes you cant make out what he is saying but he means business thats for sure! He is a mommas boy and I love it! He is a big flirt and a huge hit with all of the ladies! He is just perfect in every way!!!
My sweet kilah!!! where do I begin? She is such a sweet little girl! She is talking like crazy saying anything she wants and looking o so cute while she does it!She loves hair brushes and hair...just like her momma! We might have another hair dresser on our hands! She is running around everywhere and keeps me smiling all day long! She will do something we don't want her to do and we will say NO! and she will run at us with kisses! hard to stay mad at that! She is just so sweet always has kiises for you! She is our little drama queen for sure.... Brodie can only love on her when she wants him to! Watch out world there is another me for you!!! God bless us all! She is just so easy to love, and she knows no stranger! She is the best of me!
Friday, November 2, 2007
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of you from all of us!!! Halloween has to be one of my favorite holidays... it is just so fun to dress up and bring out the inner kid in you! I usually go all out for Halloween and make Blake dress up too, but this year I was so into the kids dressing up i forgot about Blake and I and our costumes...o how things change when you have kids!! Kilah and Brodie LOVE the show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Kilah calls it "Toodles!" and Brodie calls it "Hot Dawg!" If you have ever seen the show you will know why! So i thought to dress them up as Mickey and Minnie would be just perfect! It really helped when i took them to the Disney store and tried Brodie's costume on him and he yelled"HOT DAWG!!!" We had to have it!! I just love their costumes and they did too! We went Trick or Treating at Jessica's sister in laws neighborhood! There were a ton of kids with us, which my kids loved and it was just sooo fun! We tried to let them walk door to door but that would have taken all in the strollers we went and got us our candy!!! another great perk of Halloween...LOTS of candy for mommy! Needless to say we all had a blast! Here are some pics of our Halloween!

So when I was growing up we used to always go this pumpkin patch on scared the poo out of me!! So I have tried to make it some sort of a tradition, and take the twins every year! We have done it each year so far!! Brodie really enjoyed it! He really enjoys anything new! It took Kilah a minute but she did really enjoy it too! It was so sun! I love taking them new places and seeing it all for the first time thru their eyes!! The world is a great place thru their eyes!!!Here are some pictures of that day and last year because I didn't do this fun blog thing last just pretend!!!!

My sweet Kilah... she is so lovey and sweet! Here she is enjoying the pretty flowers!! She really did have fun this day!

Here is my big boy at the pumpkin patch!!! He is so full of life and loves ALL new things! He is really so entertaining and fun!!!

I can honestly say that the pumpkin patch was a little easier last year...just more fun this year! Look at how much my little pumpkins grew in a year!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007

I just looked thru this entry and realized i haven't said anything or put up many pictures of my girl! SHAME ON ME!!!! Kilah Koo...that's what we call her! She is such a girl, she loves to pretend to read books,but she calls them "boops", she also loves to just walk and talk and sing! she is just so sweet and already has her own space and doesn't want Brodie to bother her!!! But he does! He actually drives her crazy! But at the same time she always wakes up from nap early and is looking and calling for him until he wakes! She calls him "Bubba!" sometimes it sounds like "Bobie!" They love each other so much already! It is the sweetest thing to watch, The bond of a twin is unlike anything I have ever can warm the coldest of hearts!! She also loves her name and says it all the time! She is our little Chatty Cathy!

He has turned into my wild one He has started to act more like a boy, which Kilah doesn't enjoy to much! But no matter how "boyish" he is he is still the most loving sweetest little child I have ever met! He is full of hugs and kisses!
As you can see Blake's sister Brooke got married a few weeks ago and we are so excited to have a new uncle! Blake and I were in the wedding and Kilah and Brodie were honorary flower girl and ring bearer! It was such a special day and we were so happy to be able to share it with them! It was such a beautiful wedding! She was a beautiful bride (as you can see!) They were pretty stinkin cute! They weren't the best guest needless to say they didn't make it thru the whole wedding...all the music made them wanna dance and they couldn't help but say hi to Blake and I! We would like to thank Ce-Ce for helping us out that weekend and sitting with the kids during the ceremony!
Blake and his sister Brooke on her big day!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007
Ok! I know it as been forever since I last blogged! So let me fill you in on all the new things that are changing in our house! Well the kids now have there very own rooms!!! That was very hard for me because i feel that they have shared a living space for ever! They do sleep better apart and love to wake each other ever morning! Having there own room makes them get so much more excited when they see each other!
They also have finally got to turn there car seats around forward, which we all love! They like to look out the window and dance with me to the music in the car, and I enjoy being able to see them easier!
Brodies passie now stays in the bed which official makes him a big boy! They also are using stage 2 sippy cups and love them! They have really embraced all the changes, but it makes me feel that my babies are growing WAY to fast!
They love the Mickey Mouse Club House!!!! Kilah calls it "toodles" and Brodie calls it "hot dawg!" They love to watch it and dance and sing along! Blake and I really enjoy watching it with them too! They are really funny kids! I bought them these Little chairs and they are there new favorite thing, they like to watch the club house in there chairs!
I am so proud of my Little preemies! They are still petite ( but i was the same size they are when i was there age!) They talk really well, they will say anything they want to say and anything you don't want them to say! They love to eat and love to walk/run all over the place! They are very busy and so much fun! I am sure our life was easier before them but i just cant remember, nor do i want to these little people give me the best life ever! I just cant imagine life without them! I always say" i really must have done something so right to deserve them! because they are the best little kids i have ever met!"
I am sooooo in love with these kids!

They also have finally got to turn there car seats around forward, which we all love! They like to look out the window and dance with me to the music in the car, and I enjoy being able to see them easier!
Brodies passie now stays in the bed which official makes him a big boy! They also are using stage 2 sippy cups and love them! They have really embraced all the changes, but it makes me feel that my babies are growing WAY to fast!
They love the Mickey Mouse Club House!!!! Kilah calls it "toodles" and Brodie calls it "hot dawg!" They love to watch it and dance and sing along! Blake and I really enjoy watching it with them too! They are really funny kids! I bought them these Little chairs and they are there new favorite thing, they like to watch the club house in there chairs!
I am so proud of my Little preemies! They are still petite ( but i was the same size they are when i was there age!) They talk really well, they will say anything they want to say and anything you don't want them to say! They love to eat and love to walk/run all over the place! They are very busy and so much fun! I am sure our life was easier before them but i just cant remember, nor do i want to these little people give me the best life ever! I just cant imagine life without them! I always say" i really must have done something so right to deserve them! because they are the best little kids i have ever met!"
I am sooooo in love with these kids!

MILES... my first born!

So anyone who knows me know that my oldest nephew Miles is my first born...He stole my heart and has had it since day 1! But he is 5 now and missing his 2 front teeth and is truly a big boy! Being a big boy means he just doesn't need me like he used to, sad i know! But the coolest thing about him growing and me having my own children is to watch him with Kilah and Brodie! Miles is one of Kilahs very favorite people...we have his picture on the fridge and she carries it around and says "Miles" all the time! She loves him like i love him! AND....... he doesn't love on me like he used to cause when your 5 its just not cool anymore, but he loves on my girl like crazy! He carries Kilah around and plays with her and she loves it! It makes me sad that he is so big but it just warms my heart to see his love for me go all the way to my children! So here are some pics of his first baseball game and Kilahs first sucker! Isn't Mile so handsome!!!


As you can see the twins love bath time! we head up stairs and Kilah is already screaming "baff!!" But here lately we have had the funnest baths ever!! First we took a bath with drew.... then we pilled in the bath with our cousins Miles, Mason and Anna! we love them soooooo much!Have you ever seen a more crowded bathtub? Its a good thing CeCe has a big tub!!!I have to say that i have the best niece and nephews ever!!!! look at how cute all of the crew is in the bath! The twins and i love to hang out with the them and it is soooo fun to watch them play together!
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