They also have finally got to turn there car seats around forward, which we all love! They like to look out the window and dance with me to the music in the car, and I enjoy being able to see them easier!
Brodies passie now stays in the bed which official makes him a big boy! They also are using stage 2 sippy cups and love them! They have really embraced all the changes, but it makes me feel that my babies are growing WAY to fast!
They love the Mickey Mouse Club House!!!! Kilah calls it "toodles" and Brodie calls it "hot dawg!" They love to watch it and dance and sing along! Blake and I really enjoy watching it with them too! They are really funny kids! I bought them these Little chairs and they are there new favorite thing, they like to watch the club house in there chairs!
I am so proud of my Little preemies! They are still petite ( but i was the same size they are when i was there age!) They talk really well, they will say anything they want to say and anything you don't want them to say! They love to eat and love to walk/run all over the place! They are very busy and so much fun! I am sure our life was easier before them but i just cant remember, nor do i want to these little people give me the best life ever! I just cant imagine life without them! I always say" i really must have done something so right to deserve them! because they are the best little kids i have ever met!"
I am sooooo in love with these kids!