Saturday, December 22, 2007
I love Christmas, everything about it EXCEPT decorating the tree!! This year was especially fun because I had my 2 very special helpers!!!
My family has this little tradition where we get a new ornament each year that sort of has to do with what we are into that mom has done it for all of us our whole lives! Its really cool , and we all really enjoy it! Well of course we have to do the same with our kids, so this year I got them Mickey and Minnie ornaments,,,of course!! They actually found them in JCPenney and told me about it, so they picked them out themselves! Here are a few pics of the decorating experience and the twins putting there ornaments on the tree!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
O my Brodie Boy! This child is just un beleivable! He is alway so happy and always laughing! AND he is ALWAYS in to everything! You can not meet him and not just instantly love him! He gives the best hugs ever and great kisses too!
He wraps his arms around your neck and just squeezes! Make me feel so loved and needed! He is starting to talk more and says whatever he wants to and only when he wants to! He loves to point his finger at you and tell you something....sometimes you cant make out what he is saying but he means business thats for sure! He is a mommas boy and I love it! He is a big flirt and a huge hit with all of the ladies! He is just perfect in every way!!!
My sweet kilah!!! where do I begin? She is such a sweet little girl! She is talking like crazy saying anything she wants and looking o so cute while she does it!She loves hair brushes and hair...just like her momma! We might have another hair dresser on our hands! She is running around everywhere and keeps me smiling all day long! She will do something we don't want her to do and we will say NO! and she will run at us with kisses! hard to stay mad at that! She is just so sweet always has kiises for you! She is our little drama queen for sure.... Brodie can only love on her when she wants him to! Watch out world there is another me for you!!! God bless us all! She is just so easy to love, and she knows no stranger! She is the best of me!
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